Hawkwind 1983-09-03 Electronica Festival Milton Keynes, UK (This was an indoor event with stalls and performances (if I remember correctly) during afternoon/evening. I think it took place at the Woughton Centre, part of the University ... going on 18 year old memories here...) Source: Aiwa mic > Aiwa walkman (auto-record level) >TDK AD90 master cassette > SW1000XG > .wav. The tape flip (at 45 mins, naturally) is patched with 20 seconds which comes from: Ferguson Videostar (VCR) > master VHS > SW1000XG > .wav (this source is mono). (The video recording is only occasionally watchable, but yes, I am hoping to be able to convert and improve into a digital format. I have the tools, but mostly lack the time...) Therefore mostly we have: Aiwa mic > Aiwa walkman > master cassette > SW1000XG > .wav > CEP > CD Wave > .SHN & audio CD Taper: Alasdair Macdonald Set: 1. Phone Home Elliot 12:25.17 2. Dream Worker 9:27.02 3. jam #1 5:56.44 4. The Black Corridor 4:36.23 5. I Said "It Might Get More Exciting If We Had A Great Big Joint On Stage" 6:10.07 6. jam #2 2:19.00 7. Ghost Dance 9:09.71 8. Audience Applause 2:20.61 ======== 52:25.00 Notes: Dave Brock: keyboards Harvey Bainbridge: keyboards Nik Turner: Saxophone, sheets of metal, etc Much of "The Black Corridor" features an omnipresent hissy/noisey sound which was a part of the "music". Cool Edit Pro-cessing: 1. audio cassette source re-speeded to match VCR source (since I believe VCR timing to be relatively stable). (x 102% longer/slower) The results don't match for every second of the 53 minute recording, but they match over the length of the pre-flip section. Using the audio cassette version to dub over the VCR cassette sound would be done differently (much more hard work). 2. audio source normalized: left channel x 266%; right channel x 233% (with DC bias adjust) 3. VCR source matched to audio source using FFT filter to correct tone and volume. The setting which eventually sounded easiest on the ear were: +2db @ 21.39Hz, +3db @ 365.7Hz, +16db @ 22050Hz. 4. Fade-in at very start, and fade-out at end of cassette source. 5. Cross-fades for 2 seconds in and out of patch from VCR source defined in CEP multitrack session. Mixed down to final .wav and saved. 6. CDWAV to chop this .wav file into CD tracks above. alimac@netcomuk.co.uk 27th October 2001